The church of Christ strives to worship according to the New Testament pattern. When you visit you will find a cappella singing (Eph 5:19), weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7), collection taken for the work of the church(1 Cor 16:1-2), faithful men presenting God’s word in love(Eph 4:15), prayers offered for those in need(1 Tim 2:8). We simply seek to worship God in the manner in which He seeks to be worshipped, in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24)

We Believe in God's Word
We believe that the bible is the divine, plenary revelation of God for mankind to guide him in the path of righteousness. God has revealed in His word all that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3). The Old Testament was revealed for the nation of Israel (Deut 5:1-5) and serves as a shadow of things revealed in the New Testament (Heb 10:1). The laws, events and principles revealed in the Old Testament serve as examples of God's nature and help us to appreciate God's will for mankind today(Rom 10:4). The New Testament scriptures give God's specific guide for all men TODAY. Jesus Christ promised that all truth would be revealed to the apostles and holy men(Jn 14:26; 2 Pet 1:20-21). Having received God's revelation, they recorded God's will which has been providentially preserved in the bible. We firmly believe that God's word must be faithfully read, studied and interpreted to be properly understood and obeyed. We invite you to join with us in our WEEKLY BIBLE CLASS or contact us to request a personal bible study or bible correspondence course so that you can grow in your relationship with God.

Our Minister
"Please add a quotation or words of wisdom to welcome visitors to sandococ.com."

We Believe that the Church is God's People.
We believe that just as God chose a nation whom He called "His people" in the Old Testament, that God has likewise chosen those who have obeyed the gospel to be a part of the "called out"(1 Pet 2:5-9). Jesus Christ promised that he would build his church(Mat 16-13-18). The church is purchased with the blood of Christ(Acts 20:28), the body through which God is glorified(Eph 3:10), the body to which the saved are added(Acts 2:40-41, 52) and the kingdom for which Christ will return at the end of time. God's people are described in scripture as disciples, saints, christians, servants, holy, just, citizens of heaven, members of the household of God and the body of Christ. Are you a christian? Do you desire to practice New Testament Christianity as recorded in scripture? We invite you join us as we seek to grow in faith and in the knowledge of God's will.

Man Is Sinful
God’s word teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). Though we have been created in the image and likeness of God, sin has marred our relationship with God. Sin separates us from God so much so that God will not hear our prayers (Isa 59:1-2; 1Pet 3:12). Due to man’s sin we deserve to be eternally separated from God (Rom 6:23).
God Is Gracious
The grace of God teaches us that we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world (Tit 2:10-11). God’s grace is His unmerited favor toward mankind despite our sin. God’s grace reaches us despite our rejection of His will (Rom 5:8).
God Had Provided A Way For Us To Be Saved
Though we deserve to be eternally separated from God because of sin God sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place (1Pet 2:24).
If you are desirous of obeying the gospel we invite you to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith.
We Believe in God's Plan of Salvation

Our Ministries
The San Fernando church is partnered with several congregations throughout Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean in assisting with the support of evangelists. This effort is the brainchild of Br. Parker Henderson and began 34 years when two missionaries were sent to the island of Dominica. Today this effort, known as "World Evangelism Workshop" continues, and is held annually to raise funds. ​
Scott’s Head - Dillian Bellot, Marian - Levaughn Lewis, St. George’s - Ossafa Gordon, Linstead - Dave Osbourne, San Nicolas - Randolph Joseph
Trinidad and Tobago
Princes Town - Winston Jr. Clarke, Williamsville - Kenneth Lewis, Aripero - Trovel Emmanuel, Carapichima - Anderson George, Rancho Quemado - Sydney Jones, Rio Claro - Dave Basedan.